Diana the musical explores the whirlwind life of the late Princess and her marriage to Prince Charles. After the end of her rocky marriage, Princess Diana steps out to accomplish her dreams. She was a cultural icon who defied tradition to stand up for herself, her family and her country. Written by Joe DiPietro and David Bryan, and directed by Christopher Ashley, this Broadway production brings the legend of Princess Diana to life. The show features music by Ian Eisendrath and choreography by Kelly Devine. Broadway previews begin from 2 March 2020, with opening night scheduled for 31 March 2020.

Diana Musical Broadway Reviews | What The Critics Think
“Upon the universal themes of love, rejection, adultery and Star-Is-Born fame, Joe DiPietro (book and lyrics) and David Bryan (music and lyrics) strike a tuneful, breezy tone that humanizes The Royals — just not too deeply.”
- The Hollywood Reporter on the 2019 La Jolla Playhouse Premiere
“Simply Breathe’. Sung with an arresting depth of feeling by the musical’s star, Jeanna de Waal, the number brings home Diana’s sense of suffocation over her failing marriage and the coldness of the royal family, and offers a welcome glimpse into her inner life.”
- The San Diego Tribune on the 2019 La Jolla Playhouse Premiere
Diana Musical | Why You Must Watch The Show
The show is a tribute to the beloved Princess Diana, and touches upon important events in her life. Despite being under the watchful eye of the royal family, Princess Diana’s courageous actions defied tradition and expectation. Although the story is set in England, the play seems influenced by American culture, with the Queen’s character even dropping an F-bomb! Diana’s legacy lives on even to this day; more relevant today with the bold Meghan Markle questioning and defying an age-old system.
Recommended For
Fans of Biopics | Lovers of musicals
About Longacre Theater
Longacre Theatre has a total of 1,091 seats spread across three major sections: orchestra, mezzanine and balcony. There are some additional seats in the box and pit areas as well. The orchestra section has the largest biggest seating area in the house with 506 seats, divided into three major subsections: left, center and right. Then comes the first elevated level of the theatre, the mezzanine. With a seat count of 314, this section is divided into three sections with 9 rows: left, center and right. Next is the balcony area, with 243 seats and 7 rows spread across three sections: left, right and center.
For more information, read our detailed guide on Longacre Theater seating chart.