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Meilleures expériences à Dubaï

4 expériences

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Bientôt épuisé
Aerial view of Dubai skyline and Atlantis, The Palm during helicopter tour.
Tours dans les airs
Visite de Dubaï en hélicoptère depuis Atlantis, The Palm
Rated 4.6 out of 5.0 from 308 évaluations.
À partir de
715 AED
Annulation gratuite
Woman experiencing GFORCE aerobatic flight in Ras Al Khaimah.
Expérience acrobatique G-Force
Expérience de voltige G-FORCE pour les passagers
À partir de
2 399 AED
Annulation gratuite
4953 - Dubai - Combo: 15-Min Helicopter Tour of Dubai &  Red Dunes Desert Safari with Bedouin Camp Experience - 12
Safari dans le désert Dubai soir
Combo : Tour de Dubaï en hélicoptère en 15 minutes et Safari dans le désert des dunes rouges avec expérience dans un camp bédouin
Rated 4.6 out of 5.0 from 285 évaluations.
1 400 AED
999 AED
Jusqu'à - 29 %
People on a private gyrocopter flight over Dubai at the Palm drop zone
Tours dans les airs
vol de 20 minutes en gyrocoptère depuis Palm Dropzone
Confirmation immédiate
Rated 4.7 out of 5.0 from 662 évaluations.
1 199 AED

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Matthew Shearer


Definitely, it was a wonderful experience 💫💫💫.Dubai never disappoints and neither was our experience! It's a very nice place to escape the heat of Dubai for a day, with a witness Dubai from an helicopter ❤️
Visite de Dubaï en hélicoptère depuis l'Académie de police de Dubaï
Shari Higgins


Never imagined we could Soar over Dubais iconic sites at sicha great cost. We saw the likes of Burj Al Arab, The Palm Jumeirah, World Islands,Burj Khalifa and what not.
Visite de Dubaï en hélicoptère depuis l'Académie de police de Dubaï
Tonya Roy


I think we captured the best of Dubai from every possible angle. This is one of the most inexpensive holidays we had thanks to Headout
15 minutes de visite en hélicoptère de luxe
Elaine Tran


I have Vertigo. But apart from a little queezyness that came when i looked down, the ride was smooth and safe. The staff was very cordial and making sure i was comfortable throughout the journey.
15 minutes de visite en hélicoptère de luxe
Brooke Pickett


It's crazy how well you'll enjoy this experience, especially if you know Dubai well. I was even able to locate Meydan race course
Excursion en hélicoptère Palm de 15 minutes
Maria Travis


There's this moment where you catch your breath, and that's the view of the Jumeriah coastline- simply unmissable, and undisputable. I took about a dozen pictures of just that and they came out great!
Excursion en hélicoptère Palm de 15 minutes
Zaid jaasial Martinez clavel


I booked the 22 minutes helicopter ride with head out. Head out gave us tickets on time.. The experience was great. But it was extremely hot and in helicopter the air conditioning was not working.
Visite en hélicoptère de 22 minutes de Vision Dubaï
Greyson Hurley


I'd been on the 17 minute excursion across the golden city before, but this time my family accompanied me to Dubai so I booked the vision tour. Really is a sight for sore eyes
Visite en hélicoptère de 22 minutes de Vision Dubaï

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