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Dinner in a Quiet Retreat

dinner in a quiet retreat-2
  • Navettes incluses
  • Départ depuis l'hôtel

Points forts

  • Discover the beautiful commune of Mazzano Romano, situated in the Valley of Treja

  • Walk past buildings lined along narrow, meandering passageways

  • Experience traditional dinner in a medieval apartment

  • Sip wine and enjoy the views as you experience the real Italy


  • Hotel transfers

  • Show cooking

  • Preparation of a traditional Italian meal

  • Dinner with beverages

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The town of Mazzano Romano is a charming medieval town is located in the heart of the Valley of Treja and situated around 20 minutes from Rome. The commune and it's characteristic houses overlook a beautiful forest.

Mazzano Romano is an ancient city of steep winding streets and narrow passageways that meander between thick stone walls. The experience includes a delicious and traditional dinner in a medieval apartment noted for its architectural and design renovations. Sip wine, enjoy the fantastic views from your position overlooking a beautiful forest and satisfy your appetite with authentic Italian cuisine prepared by your very own chef.

Here, you’ll experience the real Italy.

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