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NY Brewery Tour

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    • Tour admission

    • Complementary beer tasting

    • Local fees & taxes

    Key Features

    • Private brewery tour

    • Beer tasting

    • Beer flight with ales of your preference

    • Snacks

    Know Your Experience

    On this private tour, you will be making your way to the Bronx Brewery and get to learn about the art of beer making and sample varieties of the ales produced at the brewery.

    The experience includes a full tour of the facility with an experienced guide, tasting of their beers and a beer flight (a number of small beer glasses each holding a different beer) of the choicest beers.

    After the tour, you will have the option to purchase beer of your choice, watch NFL games, chat with others on the tour and munch on pretzels, beef jerky, and packaged nuts.

    Política de cancelamento

    Estes ingressos não podem ser cancelados ou alterados.

    Your tickets will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets to the venue along with a valid photo ID.

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