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Sightseeing Bus Tour Hop on Hop off Turin

    If you're looking for a single solution to discover and get to know Turin, come aboard this Sightseeing Bus Tour!

    This tour allows you to be transported by the charm of a city with over two thousand years of history that today looks towards the future more than ever before.

    One ticket for 2 routes! Discover a charming city, rich in history and tradition but always on the cutting edge. Starting from March 10th , on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italy’s Unification, CitySightseeing Torino makes it double, inviting you to take a look at the various souls of the city. Two different routes to show you the vibrant side of a town which, at its very best, was the first capital of Italy under the aegis of the Savoy Family . So let’s get carried away by the classic route – Torino Centre – with its Royal Residences, the Mole Antonelliana and the Egyptian Museum and by the new line – “Unexpected” Torino- with the renewed Automobile Museum and OGR, main venue for the exhibitions of Italian Independence celebration. Torino has got something special for everybody, for every taste and…from every point of view.

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