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The Ancient Piazzas of Rome and its Dolce Vita

the ancient piazzas of rome and its dolce vita-2

    Points forts

    • Learn about the rich history of Rome with a visit to famed attractions such as the Piazza Navona, the Fountain of Trevi, the Pantheon, St. Angel Castle and much more

    • Enjoy this guided tour in four different languages

    • Throw in a coin at the Fountain of Trevi to make a wish come true

    • See ancient sculptures, paintings and weapons within the baroque structures of the St. Angel Castle

    • Have your fill of history, beauty, culture and ancient architecture in this one comprehensive tour


    • Professional tour guide

    • Headsets

    Non inclus

    • Food and Beverages

    • Pick-up and drop off

    • Visit inside Saint Angels Castle

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    Come along on a stroll of the ancient Roman squares built in the 1st century and resembling an open air stadium.

    With its elaborate and fancy fountains, ornate mansions, a plethora of present day hawkers, street artists and tourists, this is one place where you can enjoy the sound and sights of present day Rome as well as the feel of ancient Rome. With a visit to the Pantheon, the Fountain of Trevi, the Spanish steps, the Piazza del Popolo and much more clubbed into one tour, this is one expedition that you should not miss.

    The grand showy fountain at the centre of the Piazza Navona will help refresh your senses and mind. And while you’re at the Fountain of Trevi, throw in a coin and who knows your heart’s desire might just come true.

    Your voucher will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID.

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