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A Taste of Eataly

a taste of eataly-2

    Points forts

    • Experience a special tasting of authentic Italian food at the world-famous Eataly

    • Discover gastronomic delights at one of the biggest centers in the world

    • Discover the wealth of Italian biodiversity, drink a glass of Italian sparkling wine, try the best pasta and pizza, dressed with the best extra virgin olive oil and Parmigiano


    • Tour admission

    • 5 tastings

    • Group coordinator

    Non inclus

    • Hotel transfers

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    This tour unique sensory experience with a special tasting itinerary around Eataly: the biggest gastronomic center in the world.

    If you have ever been in Italy, there is no doubt that there is one thing that automatically comes to mind when you think back on your trip: the food. Discover the wealth of Italian biodiversity, visiting the production areas of Eataly, drinking a glass of Italian sparkling wine, and trying our best pasta and pizza, dressed with the best extra virgin olive oil and Parmigiano.

    Savor every bite!

    You will get an email confirmation within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID.

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