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The London Bridge Experience

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    Points forts

    • Become part of London's gruesome history and travel back in time to an age of adventure

    • Uncover the dark secrets that lie beneath the world's most famous and most haunted bridge

    • See, hear, feel, taste, even smell, what London Bridge was like over the ages with glimpses of the horrors of yesteryear. * Experience London of old with Romans, Vikings and the odd pick-pocket or two

    • Enter the Gate House and discover the grisly fate William Wallace in the company of our expert executioner

    • Darker surprises await you as you wander the streets of Victorian Southwark

    • Smell the Great Stink and try not to become another victim of Jack the Ripper

    • Run for your life as the Great Fire of London sweeps through the city


    • Admission tickets

    • Local taxes

    Non inclus

    • Food & beverages

    • Pick-up and drop-off

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    The London Bridge Experience is the ultimate 'family fun' horror activity to engage in when in London! Set forward on a journey through 2000 years of the history of London Bridge, visiting Boudicca battle scenes, see the great fire of London and much more before entering the vortex to the London Tombs. There are recreations of the past wooden, stone and medieval bridges, all of which include live characters in full regalia of the time.

    Travel through the Terror Time Tunnel to emerge in the present and if you're feeling brave you can choose to face your fears and descend into in the former plague pit; the London Tombs where a few more surprises will chill your bones. Plunge into the inky blackness of a disused railway tunnel and emerge into the midst of a fierce battle between Queen Boudicca and the legions of Rome.

    Your tickets will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets to the venue along with a valid photo ID.

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