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Fun Spot America

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    • Admission tickets

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    • Food & beverages

    • Hotel pick-up & drop-off


    • Race your friends on the uniquely designed, multi-level Go-Kart track

    • Play over 100 classic and new video games in a fun 10,000 square foot arcade

    • Catch sights of alligators at Gator Spot, featuring 6-foot alligators and other Florida wildlife

    • Hop on for a ride on White Lightning, Florida’s tallest wooden roller coaster

    • Enjoy a safe-clean-fun experience throughout an array of thrill, family and kiddie rides


    This immersive adventure park is filled with everything you could hope for, from roller coasters, to live gators! Race along White Lightning, the city’s only wooden coaster, or take a plunge on the Paratrooper and watch the park swirl around you. With rides for everyone to enjoy, this fun and clean amusement park is perfect for a family outing.

    Política de cancelación

    Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

    Your booking confirmation will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same at the ticketing counter at the venue to collect your physical tickets.

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