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Dolphin Experience in Clearwater Beach

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  • Traslados incluidos

Lo más destacado

  • The unique facility is home to underwater viewing windows and roofless dolphin pools
  • Experience a hands-on stingray beach and many other one-of-a-kind animal exhibits that are truly different
  • Meet sea turtles, pelicans and sharks that have also been rescued and treated or fitted with prosthetic parts
  • At WDTA you can find re-built scenes and actual props used in the hit movie


  • Tour access
  • Admission tickets
  • Pick-up and drop-off at selected points

No incluye

  • Food & beverages
  • Gratuity

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Visit the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, home to Winter, the dolphin star of the blockbuster film ‘Dolphin Tale’. Winter lost her tail after getting it caught in a crab trap line. She was rescued and fitted with a prosthetic tail before starring in the iconic film based on her life. Now, she continues to delight and inspire those who visit her at the center that is home to other rescued marine animals like herself. Movie buffs can ride the Jolly Trolley up to Historic Clearwater Downtown and check out Winter’s Dolphin Tale Adventure (WDTA), a 3D experience exhibit dedicated to the motion film. Spend the rest of the day hanging out at the white, sandy beach, take a dip in the crystal blue water or chill by the marina cafés.

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