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Sagano Romantic Train

On a scenic train ride between Saga and Kameoka, enjoy unparalleled views of nature's changing colors, from rusty brown and red in autumn to bright pink and lush green in spring. Sagano Romantic Train will take you on a picturesque ride that will leave a surreal impression of Japan in your mind.
Sagano Romantic Train
Sagano Romantic Train passing through lush greenery in Kuala Lumpur.
Sagano Romantic Train crossing lush green landscape in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Sagano Romantic Train journeying through the scenic landscapes of Kyoto, Japan
Sagano Romantic Train crossing scenic Arashiyama landscape in Kyoto, Japan.
Sagano Romantic Train passing through lush greenery in Kuala Lumpur, offering scenic views.
Sagano Romantic Train passing through lush greenery in Kuala Lumpur, offering scenic views.
Tickets für den Zug
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2 mehr
880 ¥
Kinkakuji Temple with golden pavilion surrounded by lush gardens in Kyoto, Japan.
Sagano Romantic Train crossing scenic Arashiyama landscape during Kyoto day tour from Osaka Namba.
Sagano Scenic Railway along the Hozugawa River
Sagano Scenic Railway along the Hozugawa River
Meal at Kyoto Sagano Romantic Train
Meal at Kyoto Sagano Romantic Train
Kiyomizudera Temple
Sagano Romantic Train crossing a scenic bridge in Kyoto, Japan, with lush greenery and mountains in the background.
Free Cancellation
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5 mehr
13.000 ¥

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