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The Wolves

81 Valutazioni
Ordine dei risultati: Più pertinente
Muriel Lancaster



nov, 2017

Go watch The Wolves if you're up for an unusual evening of theatre, with lots of overlapping dialogue (and some ambiguity at first). Love the cast! They do a splendid job of teamwork, something that you don't get to see so often. The play is indeed impeccably crafted. Don't miss it!
Rodney Bolduc



ott, 2017

Love how female friendships are depicted in The Wolves! Too real! The unconventional story line talks about the lives of a team of soccer playing girls who are stepping into adulthood. While it did seem cliched at first, it turned out to be a great surprise. Loved it!
Lorraine Foster



ott, 2017

While the play was brilliantly scripted, I found it rather overrated. Maybe I read up too many articles about The Wolves, and ended up creating a hype for it. But I was disappointed to see how it turned out. I had so many questions by the end of it, and was frustrated seeing the ended it on such an ambiguous note.
Glen Meyers



ott, 2017

Smart, profound, funny and thought provoking -- only a few of the many words I can use to describe The Wolves. Don't be surprised if it makes you tear up in public. The cast does a wonderful job and depicts the struggles so beautifully, it is almost hard to believe they're acting.
Billie Norfleet



set, 2017

An exciting ensembling play. The Wolves takes you into the life of a teenager and before you know it - you're hooked! However if unconventional theatre is not your cup of tea, you may end up feeling disappointed.
David McNair



set, 2017

This is exactly what a coming to age play should look like! The show focuses on young women in soccer team who are dealing with the ups and downs of adulthood. Really loved the crisp dialogues and action scenes that the play manages to incorporate. The show will leave you with plenty of questions in your mind.
Robert Gregory



set, 2017

A show by women and for women! Truly empowering. The short and sweet play looks into the lives of teenagers on a soccer team and highlights several issues that go hand in hand with adulthood. The teamwork of the crew is commendable and the dialogues witty! Can't see why you shouldn't go for this.
Natalie Dick



set, 2017

The Wolves is a lovely little play that brings out the important milestones of women on a soccer team. It's adorable how it manages to portray everything beginning from struggling with feelings, family, men and friendships. Don't expect a showy set up, however, the show is set in a forest.
Vernon Hancock



ago, 2017

Loved the plot of The Wolves, but was exasperated at the kind of time each scene takes to change. Sure, its witty but honestly needed a little faster developing acts instead of pondering over every scene. Apart from that, the drama hits the nail hard and brings out real struggles of teenagers.
Gilbert Ware



ago, 2017

A lively, energetic play that shows teenage soccer playing girls who are facing the same problems at once. It is a fun, feel good drama that brings back nostalgic flashes from your adolescence as well. Must watch.
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