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Great Crime Tour Of London

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    • Tour admission

    • Professional tour guide

    Non inclus

    • Food and beverages

    • Gratuity


    • Get anecdotes on London's most notorious gangsters and dangerous men will leave you enthralled

    • Learn more about The Beatles Conspiracy (Is Paul McCartney actually Paul McCartney) and The Diana Conspiracy

    • Visit the sights of some of London's biggest and most daring art and jewellery heists

    • Learn about the Great Fire of London and the Monument, whether the fire was an accident. Or not.

    • Get insiders knowledge on Blackfriars Bridge Mafia mysteries, assassinations, Victorian baby farming, and Bank Robberies


    London was the most prosperous city in the world for the majority of civilised (and not so civilised) history, and still ranks high today among the world's greatest cities.

    Take a moment to appreciate that a country the size of Ohio with a negligible resource base dominated the world for over two centuries, and London was at the heart of this imperialism.

    Tales of intrigue abound in the city's history, and we recount some of the most enthralling on the Great Crime Tour of London as we delve into the city's greatest crimes, misdemeanours, heists, and political conspiracy at the highest echelons of power.


    Comfortable shoes & clothing recommended.

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