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Singapore Tourist Pass

    10-second Takeaway

    • Singapore Tourist Pass is a special EZ-link card that offers tourists unlimited transport

    • Enjoy the advantages of Singapore’s incredible public transport system

    • One-time payment for specified period of days

    Your Experience

    New to Singapore? Then you need the Singapore Tourist Pass. The EZ-link card offers its holders unlimited transport across the city for the duration it is valid. Take in the sights and sounds in the comfort of the extensive train and public bus network.

    You will be eligible to travel on the basic bus services, MRT and LRT trains. The 1-day coverage of the pass begins from the first usage of the pass till the end of public transport for that day. 2-day and 3-day passes must be used on consecutive days. Service of the pass ends at midnight for bus services and 0030 hrs for MRT service.

    Additional Information

    • The pass is issued after a $10 rental deposit.

    • Exclusions: The pass excludes rides on premium services such as Sentosa Express, RWS8, Fast Forward, Night Rider and Nite Owl buses.

    • This card can be used on any day or days, within 6 months of purchase

    • Prices apply to adults and children above 0.9m in height

    • Please refund the card before you leave the country.

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    You will receive an email confirmation. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID.

    Il vous manque une information ?

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