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Madrid Authentic Tapas & History Tour

    Points forts

    • Experience Madrid as a local as you savour the world famous tapas in authentic locations around the city

    • Be guided by an experienced local guide who is also a foodie

    • Get drinks: wine, beer, soft drinks or water, and tapas served at the taverns you visit


    • Foodie specialized Local Guide

    • Tapas and drinks (wine, beer, soft drinks or water) in each Bar

    • Tour will be guided in English / Spanish language.

    Non inclus

    • Food and Beverages (Which are not specified in the inclusions)

    • Pick-up and drop off

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    Be a local and experience a variety of tastings, the history and culture of Madrid in this experience handed by a native Madrilian.

    Tapas are a miniature culinary art well-distinguished in the Spanish cuisine. These are appetizers that are enjoyed most with wine, a delicacy that delights locals and visitors. On this tour, you will be taken to some of the most famous local taverns in the city. Some of these have won the ‘best Spanish tapa of the year’ prize.

    Get a quick yet authentic insight into Spanish culture, history, and gastronomic tradition.

    Your voucher will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. You must carry a printed copy of the voucher to the venue along with a valid photo ID.

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