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Hop On / Hop Off Tour of Downtown Manhattan

hop on / hop off tour of downtown manhattan-2


    • Unlimited hop-on, hop-off access

    10-Second Takeaway

    • Tour of Downtown Manhattan atop a double-decker bus!

    • 24-Hour Access to the buses.

    • Narrated commentary available onboard (in 11 languages)

    • Over 20+ convenient stops.

    • Buses running every 25-30 mins.

    • Best way to travel and soak in the megastructures of Downtown Manhattan!

    Notable Stops

    • Empire State Building

    • Times Square

    • Rockefeller Center

    • One World Trade Center

    • Battery Park

    • Madison Square Garden

    • Chinatown/Little Italy

    The Downtown Manhattan Tour

    Downtown Manhattan is the swankiest neighborhood of the city. Known for iconic megastructures such as the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, and the One World Observatory Deck, this part of Manhattan attracts the maximum number of visitors every year!

    With this bus pass, you will have 24-hour access to our hop on/hop off double-decker buses. These open top buses give you the best views of all the sights and are hassle-free! You can get off at any of the stops and explore at ease. Must-do's on this route include Times Square, Madison Square Garden, Battery Park, and much more. You also get to explore the more eclectic neighborhoods of Chinatown, Soho, and Little Italy. Book now, and hop on a downtown adventure unlike any other!

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    Your voucher will be emailed to you shortly. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID.

    Il vous manque une information ?

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