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Beers & Bites Adventure

beers & bites adventure-2

    Why You Shouldn't Miss This

    • Head out on a beer adventure like no other!

    • On this ride, enjoy three stops for beer: two flights of four samples each, plus a pint at the last stop.

    • One flight will be paired with a food sample, and one pint with a chocolate pairing.

    • Keep this memory forever, with a souvenir beer tasting notebook and beer koozies!

    • The fun starts right on the ride, with canned beer on the way.

    Your Experience

    There is more to beer than Bud and more to San Francisco food than chowder. Dive into a five-hour experience guaranteed to dazzle your taste buds and cultivate your curiosity. This multi-stop tour takes you in small groups to the booming world San Francisco's craft beer and food scene.

    The tour includes a behind the scenes visit to a craft brewery with on-site tastings of their products, beer and food pairings at premier brewpubs, and food tastings in The City’s up-and-coming neighborhoods.

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