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Pearl Journey Abu Dhabi

    Points forts

    • A Journey to astonishing Eastern Mangrove blue green water
    • A journey brief will be delivered by Emirati Guide
    • Sailing on a traditional show
    • Arabian welcome, hospitality and Traditional on board savory snacks
    • Exclusive panoramic views of the natural mangrove
    • A demonstration of how the pearl divers functioned on the show and how they manage to spend time for over 4 months on the boat in the middle of the ocean.
    • Exciting moment of Oyster opening demonstration
    • Find a pearl inside the oyster. Yes you will keep it, it’s yours


    • Pearl journey in a Jalboot traditional pearling dhow cruise
    • Exclusive panoramic views of the natural mangrove
    • Highlights of pearl diving
    • Surprising Pearl inside the oyster

    Non inclus

    • Gratuity/Tips

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    Explore the wonders of pearl exploration during a half day guided tour. It's the first cultural and tourism product of its kind in the capital. A unique experience to learn about the history of the pearling industry in the Arabian Gulf region, and how people have dedicated their lives to collect thousands of seashells in hope to find a pearl!

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