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Boston CityPASS

    The Boston CityPASS gives you access to 4 must-see Boston attractions at one incredible price!

    And with nine days to use all of the CityPASS tickets and no waiting in queues, it is perfect for a weekend break or week away! Your Ticket Booklet is valid for 9 days from first use and includes all you need: One-time admission tickets, detailed attraction information, coupons and a map.

     Boston CityPASS Admissions:

    • New England Aquarium
    • Museum of Science
    • Skywalk Observatory

    You also have the choice between:

    • Boston Harbor Cruises OR Harvard Museum of Natural History

    Plus: Save time with easy access at most attractions. Once you have your CityPASS booklet, skip the ticket line and head straight for the entrance.

    Please Note: You do not need to decide at the time of purchase which of the two attractions (eg. Boston Harbor Cruises) you want to visit but can make up your mind as you go!

    Important information:

    CityPass Boston Card inclusions are subject to change without notice. No refunds can be given in the event of any changes.

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

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