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S.E.A Aquarium Ticket with Hotel Transfers

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The South East Asia (S.E.A) Aquarium on Sentosa Island is the biggest aquarium in Singapore. S.E.A Aquarium holds up to 45 million liters of water and houses more than 100,000 marine creatures. Spread over 10 zones and 49 habitats, you’re guaranteed a fascinating experience here, not to mention saving yourself the hassle of finding transportation to and from the Aquarium!

Points forts

  • Shared transfers to and from S.E.A Aquarium to a location of your choice

  • Priority access admission to S.E.A Aquarium on Sentosa Island

  • Explore up to 49 different habitat zones within the aquarium and view up to 800 species of marine life


  • Skip the line admission tickets to S.E.A Aquarium

  • Access to all 10 zones

  • Shared transfers to and from S.E.A Aquarium on Sentosa Island to a location of your choice

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The South East Asia (S.E.A) Aquarium located on Sentosa Island is the second largest in the region. S.E.A Aquarium holds 45 million liters of water which houses more than 100,000 marine animals. The animals are spread over 10 zones which have 49 habitats in all. With a fascinating array of exhibits, the museum has achieved several laurels and has constantly appeared among the top three aquariums in Asia.

Immerse yourself in the marine world for a few hours and learn about the marine life in an innovative way. The Open Ocean Tank installation holds around 18 million liters of water and has a huge glass panel, giving you the feeling of being on the ocean bed. Explore the different zones and cover the many exhibits at your own pace as your S.E.A Aquarium tickets allow you to explore the venue for the entire day. To plan your day better and to know more about the venue please refer to our detailed guide on S.E.A Aquarium.


S.E.A Aquarium is open daily from 10:00 am - 7:00 pm.

Hotel Details:

You will be picked up and dropped off at your hotel. Please enter the details of your hotel in the next step of your booking. Hotel transfers are from the City Center Areas. This includes Orchard Road, Bugis Street, Marina Bay Sands, Balestier Road Hotel Area and Little India. Pick ups start at 09:00 am. In case your hotel falls outside this area, you can travel to one of the mentioned areas and provide the name of the hotel you've selected. Furthermore, you can be picked up from your hotel (outside the mentioned areas) at an additional charge.

• You will receive an email containing the S.E.A Aquarium voucher after the booking is confirmed.

• On the day of your experience, a coach will pick you up from the hotel you've mentioned, and drive you to S.E.A Aquarium. Pickups start from 9 am.

• Proceed to S.E.A. Aquarium Guest Services Window between 10.00am to 6.00pm or GlobalTix Self-Help Kiosk to redeem your voucher for admission tickets

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