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Small Group Tour: Full Day trip to Rotterdam, Delft and the Hague from Amsterdam

small group tour: full day trip to rotterdam, delft and the hague from amsterdam-2

    Non inclus

    • Food and drinks

    What You Get

    • Full Day Tour of Rotterdam, Delft, and Hague
    • Transport by air-conditioned minivan
    • Services of a professional driver guide
    • Free Wi-Fi onboard
    • Goodie Bag

    What You'll Do

    • Cruise Rotterdam's harbor to see a mix of cutting-edge architecture and old shipyards
    • Discover the Princes' City, Delft, where countless members of the Dutch royal family have lived for centuries
    • Visit a factory famous for the blue pottery of Delft
    • Get to see Delft’s famous canals and the historic town center and countless historical monuments
    • Explore a number of royal palaces, including the famous Peace Palace and the Binnenhof (the Dutch parliament)
    • Explore the government buildings of the Binnenhof in The Hague and the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court
    • Visit the Mauritshuis, featuring work by Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Andy Warhol, among others

    Your Experience

    Discover the biggest cities in Netherlands on this tour which takes you from Amsterdam to Rotterdam, Delft, and The Hague. Your first stop is Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands and most famous for its emphatic harbor. A 75-minute boat tour awaits you in Rotterdam as you are taken to view the scale of Rotterdam's harbor for yourself. You’ll also see Rotterdam’s imposing skyline, harbors, shipyards, and docks. Next stop is the picturesque city of Delft, birth and final resting place of Dutch master Johannes Vermeer.

    Visit Delft’s historic town center, packed with awe-inspiring historical monuments including the Old Church, the New Church, and the town hall. While there, you will visit De Delftse Pauw, a factory specializing in handmade Delft Blue pottery, the most coveted porcelain since the 17th century. Next city on the tour is The Hague. In addition to being the seat of the Dutch government, this city is also the home of the Dutch royal family.

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