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La La Land 2D

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    IMDb Rating: 8.9/10

    Rotten Tomatoes: 92%


    Set against the backdrop of modern-day Los Angeles, La La Land is a musical that explores the lives of two highly ambitious individuals.

    Struggling to meet the demands of their professional lives, Mia (Emma Stone), an aspiring actress, and Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), a jazz musician, fall in love with each other - inevitably. But here’s the catch: (especially) in this day and age, how do you choose between someone you know is your soulmate and a chance to shine under the spotlight?


    “The real star in “La La Land” is the movie itself, which pulses and glows like a living thing in its own right.” - Washington Post

    “Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone deliver a singing love letter to musicals, love and Los Angeles.” - New York Daily News

    “The real tension in “La La Land” is between ambition and love, and perhaps the most up-to-date thing about it is the way it explores that ancient conflict.” - The New York Times

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