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Kong Skull Island 2D

    IMDB Rating: 7.5

    Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy


    When a group of daring soldiers and explorers head out into uncharted seas and islands, they have no idea of the beings they will encounter, including the not-so-mythical Kong...


    • "Skull Island" is adept at goosing you; it deploys action-movie feints and horror-film frights capably amid its clichés and deaths. Every so often it also pauses and allows Kong and Mason to move you."

    -- Manohla Dargis, New York Times

    • "A jolt of super juiced-up, monster-movie energy restores some of the raw edges of wild, wooly excitement to the Kong saga while giving it a fresh new, retro-rollicking spin."

    --Neil Pond, Parade Magazine


    Director: Jordan Vogt-Roberts

    Writers: Dan Gilroy, Max Borenstein

    Stars: Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson

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