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Beauty And The Beast 2D

    IMDB Rating: 6.1

    Genre: Family, Fantasy, Musical


    This is an adaptation of the classic fairytale of a cursed prince and a beautiful young maiden who has the power to lift the curse and return his life back to normal. It stays true the heartwarming original and features several original scores.


    • "When Emma Watson walks down the staircase in that iconic yellow ball gown, it's as true (and goose bump-inducing) as it can be."

    -- Mara Reinstein, Us Weekly

    • "There's no need to worry that this version might crush the gentle charms of the 1991 picture: Even though Condon more or less faithfully follows that movie's plot, this Beauty is its own resplendent creature."

    --Stephanie Zacharek, TIME Magazine


    Director: Bill Condon

    Writers: Stephen Chbosky, Evan Spiliotopoulos (screenplay)

    Stars: Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans

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