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South Beach Sail, Splash & Snorkel

    Points forts

    • Start your day of fun aboard the Caribbean Spirit, a catamaran charter, for a comfortable journey on the ocean
    • Get to see views of beautiful mansions, yachts and historic sites, and if you’re lucky, you can spot dolphins and manatees
    • Swim in the tropical waters of South Beach’s mooring balls and or go snorkeling if weather permits
    • With a giant trampoline to jump on, this tour is ideal for a fun day out with your family


    • Tour tickets
    • Light food and soft drinks

    Non inclus

    • Gratuity

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    Sit back, relax and soak in the sun as you sail across the Atlantic ocean in a prime catamaran. Accompanied by the sound of waves, calypso music and a drink to sip on, set out on a journey to enjoy the tropical blue-green waters of South Beach.

    Your voucher will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone at the venue.

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