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Orlando Parasail

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    Points forts

    • This thrilling flight gives you a bird’s eye view of the expansive Walt Disney World Resort and an opportunity to take some incredible pictures
    • A state of the art parasail boat allows guests to take off and land right from the boat without even getting wet
    • The peaceful and liberating feeling of flying is one to be cherished


    • Activity tickets

    Non inclus

    • Food & beverages
    • Hotel pick-up & drop-off

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    Feel the adrenaline rush through your veins as you soar like a free bird. At Sammy Duvall’s Watersports Center in the Walt Disney World Resort, you get a glimpse of spectacular murmuration. It’s not just about the view, but the thrilling experience. You can even go parasailing without getting wet.

    Care to know about the safety measures? The crew and vessels go beyond the regulations set by the United States Coast Guard to ensure a safe experience. You don’t even have to worry about capturing moments on camera. Count on the digital camera package to capture precious moments of your visit.

    Sign up now to get an amazing bird’s eye view of the Walt Disney World Resort while parasailing at Sammy Duvall’s Watersports Centre.

    Your booking confirmation will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone at the venue.

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