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Niihau & Napali Super Tour

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    Points forts

    • Trip available daily, and covers the fantastic Napali Coast along with the island of Niihau, the Lehua Crater, and other awe-inspiring natural formations
    • Relaxing snorkeling awaits you at Niihau, with all the equipment and instructions provided
    • Along with other spectacular marine life, do not miss the opportunity to see majestic humpback whales (in season)
    • Delicious continental breakfast and gourmet deli-style lunch buffet complete this unique sea adventure


    • Activity tickets

    Non inclus

    • Food & beverages
    • Gratuity

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    With its lush greenery, deep valleys, breathtaking waterfalls, and gorgeous sea caves, the Napali Coast is a sight to behold on its own. But combined with a trip to the "Forbidden Island" of Niihau and the Lehua Crater, this becomes a one-of-its-kind experience that makes your Hawaiian adventure sublime. Immerse yourself in the aquatic wonders as you snorkel in Niihau's sapphire waters.

    Your voucher will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone at the venue.

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