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Napali Snorkel Sail Adventure

napali snorkel sail adventure-2

    Points forts

    • Sail the trade winds of Kauai at up to a thrilling 20 mph aboard Leila, a gorgeous 50' catamaran
    • Enjoy from sea level Napali, which is world-famous for its 3500-foot heights, breathtaking waterfalls, green valleys, and hidden beaches
    • All the snorkeling equipment and instructions are provided and the best snorkeling spot chosen to complete your experience of the Napali Coast
    • The crew will entertain you and tickle your fancy with pages taken from the rich history of Kauai
    • Along with the stunning Napali Coast, savor the opportunity to see amazing marine life, including humpback whales (in season)
    • Delicious continental breakfast and gourmet deli lunch are provided with an assortment of beverages


    • Activity tickets
    • Food & drink

    Non inclus

    • Gratuity

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    The sensation of Kauai winds hitting your face as you cruise through the Napali Coast at 20 mph is definitely something you must experience at least once in a lifetime. The Napali Coast is rich and abundant with heights, valleys, waterfalls, and beaches. With the crew telling you fascinating stories from local history to kindle your imagination, and snorkeling opportunities galore, this tour is sure to make your time in Hawaii unforgettable.

    Your voucher will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone at the venue.

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