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Comédies musicales

The View UpStairs Tickets

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    Savor a musical that explores friendship, love, hope, and community as you experience the vibrant ‘UpStairs Lounge’, and the tragic events that unfolded on one fateful night. Max Vernon’s rollercoaster ride of a musical is something you cannot miss!

    Why Watch The View UpStairs

    Based on the events of the 1973 attack on a gay bar in New Orleans, The View UpStairs is set entirely in the ‘UpStairs Lounge’ where the attack occurred. With sell-out runs in Broadway and Sydney, The View UpStairs is finally making its European debut at West End. It has received universal critical acclaim, with critics calling it a moving homage to the LGBTQ community. It is a reminder of the progress that has been made with regard to acceptance, and how far we still have to go. A story of hope, love, and friendship, The View UpStairs combines powerful rock ballads and soothing harmonies to capture the atmosphere of the 70s bar. With numerous nominations and awards to its name, The View UpStairs is a must-see for anyone who loves moving dramas!

    The Story

    A fashion designer in the 21st century, Wes, has just purchased a building in the New Orleans French Quarter. Currently old, empty and forgotten, little does he know that it was one of the most flamboyant gay bars in the 70s. It was the time when bell bottoms were the trend and disco hits could be heard all around town. Soon enough, Wes learns about the history of the building and the events that unfolded right under his feet. Join Wes as he is taken on a journey of seduction, love, and self-discovery.

    Good for

    Fans of Musicals | First time West End Goers

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    Show Details

    Show Timings

    Mon - Sat 7:15 PM
    Thu & Sat 2:30 PM

    1h 45m

    Choreographed By
    Jonathan O’Boyle

    Directed by
    Fabian Aloise

    Additional Information

    Available Facilities
    In-house bar

    The Soho Theatre has a seating capacity of 140.

    Outside Food
    Strictly prohibited. If you'd like to grab a meal before or after the show, check out our guide to the 30 Best Restaurants in West End.

    Dress Code
    Smart and casual wear is recommended. Keep in mind, the theatre is air conditioned throughout the year and can get a bit chilly.

    You will receive an email with your voucher. You may display your voucher on your mobile phone. Please carry a valid photo ID for identification.

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