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Comédies musicales

Reputation The Musical Tickets

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    Witness the journey of Michelle, who battles for recognition of her stolen work in this gripping tale of plagiarism and the female struggle for equality.

    Why You Should Watch Reputation The Musical

    Reputation is a retro musical by Alick Glass, that commemorates the wondrous sounds and rhythms of the 20th century. The tale is told through a set of 25 romantic ballads and original songs that are written in the vivacious style of the most beloved musicians of the mid-1900s. The musical is directed by Warren Wills, who is an internationally recognized musical director. The cast is headed by the world-famous Jeremy Secomb who has starred in movies such as Les Miserables and Sweeny Todd. He is joined by Maddy Banks from The Band, and Ed Wade, who has starred in Fiddler on the Roof.

    The Story

    Back in the 1930s, Hollywood was full of studios that struggled to meet the rising demand for brand new talkies. Enter Freddy Larceny, a con-man, who is prepared to make the most out of this situation. He orchestrates a scam that allows him to claim the content of budding writers as his own work. Michelle Grant is a promising novelist and a student in a women’s college in Paris. The con-man steals her work and it ends up becoming an Academy-Awards nominated film. The tale depicts the struggle and desperation that Michelle Grant goes through, trying to claim her work from the fraudster.

    Good For

    Fans of Musicals | Lovers of True Stories

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    Show Details

    Show Timings

    5 Nov - 14 Nov, 2019 8:00 PM
    9 Nov, 2019 3:00 PM

    Leading Roles
    Jeremy Secomb
    Maddy Banks
    Ed Wade

    Directed By
    Warren Wills

    Written By
    Alick Glass

    Additional Info

    Photo and video recording are not allowed during the show.

    Approximately 2hrs

    Recommended for 10+

    Available Facilities
    In-house bar
    Wheelchair Accessible

    The Other Palace Theatre has a seating capacity of 312

    Dress Code
    Smart and casual wear is recommended. Carry a few layers; the theatre is air-conditioned through the year and can get a bit chilly

    You will get an email confirmation with your Reputation The Musical voucher. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID.

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