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Visite de la Tour Eiffel et Visite Nocturne de Paris

315 Notes
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Becky Nguyen



févr., 2018

Paris can be both beautiful and frustrating at night. The traffic can be a pain but then again every part of Paris is beautiful so getting stuck isn’t a big deal. Lovely tour experience.
Beatrice Morales



févr., 2018

The app is so convenient to use. I am not very tech savvy but this is a breeze, its very user friendly and I think I will use this more in the future.
Paulette Fowler



févr., 2018

I was in Paris for a conference and wanted to make the best of my time there. I can finally say it was! What a magical evening it was. The city tour in the evening was beautiful and the glittering view from the tower is something I won’t forget for a long time to come. I would recommend this tour for everyone visiting Paris the first time.
Vania Baines



janv., 2018

The no-nonsense tour takes you through the important monuments of Paris without wasting a lot of your time. Honestly, that is what we need if we're running on a tight tour schedule. Consider this if you're on your first tour, it even comes with a handy skip the line at the Eiffel Tower.
John Wheat



janv., 2018

The luxury coaches were equipped with wi-fi and great quality commentary. This was a great addition to the fact that we could tour our favourite monuments for as long as we wanted. Also, having a skip the line ticket is much recommended since the Eiffel Tower is forever crowded!
Willie McGrew



janv., 2018

Not a great idea to ride on top of the deck during mid day. However, the night tour is completely opposite of what the day tour sounds like. We got a lot of good pictures of the sun set while touring the city. It was great getting to skip the line at the Eiffel Tower as well.
Cesar Chavez



janv., 2018

I booked this trip much in advance. It was a good trip althrough it’s best to plan the entire trip properly as you can end up doing the same bus tour couple of times on different tours.
Maggie Moody



janv., 2018

We did this tour on the first day in Paris and it kicked off the trip on a great note. The booking is easy and the entire trip is worth the money. It will give you a sense of Paris right off the bat.
Thomas Robinson



janv., 2018

A friend recommended this combo pass on Headout while we were planning our trip. So we got this along with a Louvre ticket and were happy to see how they both turned out for us. Great site! Really fuss free, all you have to do is grab your physical copy from a store nearby. Saves a lot of time indeed.
Aubrey Carr



janv., 2018

This tour came as a suggestion based on my other activity bookings on the app. It seemed like a good option on the last day in Paris and I went for it. It felt like the final chapter in a book, made me nostalgic and ended the trip on a high. Literally!
Fred Hancock



déc., 2017

There's nothing like touring the jewels of Paris at your own pace. Seriously, skip any other means of transport that you've booked for yourself and get on board the city bus. This neat combo from Headout also gave us an opportunity to skip the line at the Eiffel Tower. Yay!
Sarah Williams



déc., 2017

Although convenient, I'd rather prefer a tour bus to have a better, in-dept understanding of the monuments we cover. Having a professional tour guide on board really helps. However, loved the skip the line feature for Eiffel! Really required!
William Vieira



déc., 2017

As a big group, it was difficult to move about in the city and stay together at the same time. Booking our own tour bus would have proved to be more expensive as well. We ended up cutting our cost by travelling in the city bus and it was phenomenal. Lovely air conditioned coaches with a sky deck that you can stand and click pictures from. Highly recommend if you're on a budget trip!
Angela Valdez



déc., 2017

Good to have a skip the line offer at Eiffel Tower that takes you straight past the crowd. The second floor observatory is great since you can look at the city from on top of the tower. Visit it at night for a better experience! The bus is a great option to go around if you're new.
John Hood



déc., 2017

As helpless, confused tourists -- we were glad to have this pass at hand. It made it easier for us to tour the city at our own pace, plus the commentary was great on its own. What's more is that it is much cheaper than having to hail a taxi or hiring a personal tour guide. Wonderful combo!
Peter Robinson



nov., 2017

We took a Paris City Bus after visiting Eiffel Tower, and for some reason ended up sitting on the top deck. Uh oh. The sun blazing on your face will scald you! My advice to you is, sit down in the air conditioned section, you will still be able to enjoy the same views. If needed, you can always get down.
Larry Serrano



nov., 2017

The skip the line feature at Eiffel Tower saved us, really. The crowd never seems to cease around that vicinity, no matter what season you visit. We loved the Paris city tour as well that took us around the city with interesting facts and engaging commentary. A very handy combo for first time tourists.
Eugene Porter



nov., 2017

Hailing a taxi in Paris is a BAD idea! Not only are they rash drivers, you'll find yourself paying an extra pretty penny just to see what you can see at a fixed rate in the Paris City Bus. Get off and spend some time exploring the places you want to explore. The combo also comes with a second floor option for Eiffel Tower, which makes the experience a package in itself.
Michele Mathis



nov., 2017

A nice comfortable ride around Paris. Thankfully the bus also has wi-fi enabled inside in case you need it for something. My children enjoyed the kids commentary as well.. a note to remember: don't prefer the upper deck if you're sensitive to sun!
Phyllis Macon



oct., 2017

WOW! The bus really took us through some of the most iconic landmarks in Paris. We picked this combo to enjoy the second floor of Eiffel Tower that comes with an observation deck. It was a good day indeed! Strongly recommend saving time and money with this combo.
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