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Holiday Lights and Movie Sights

    Ride through the streets of one of the most filmed cities in the world. Catch a glimpse of the sites of your favourite movies as our guide takes you on a film-based journey through the city.

    Why You Shouldn’t Miss This

    This ride is truly like no other! The guided tour bus takes you around the sparkling city as you cover nearly famous locations as seen on the big screen!

    With over 30 locations to be explored, and the brilliant holiday windows at Bloomingdale's, Lord & Taylor, Barneys, and Macy’s to be seen, this tour will leave you absolutely stunned!

    Your Experience

    Your holiday adventure begins at the Starbucks on 60th and Broadway near Columbus Circle where you will meet your tour guide - a local actor or actress, who will entertain you throughout the tour.

    Indulge in some holiday fun and cheer as you go round the city and look at the ongoing festivities from the comfort of your bus. As you pass famous movie landmarks, be sure to have a look at the screen playing the same from the exact movie!

    Notable film locations

    • Miracle on 34th Street: Holiday windows at Bloomingdales, Lord & Taylor, Barneys, and Macy’s.
    • Home Alone 2: The famous tree in Rockefeller Center where Macaulay Culkin and his mom reunite.
    • Serendipity: John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale’s moment in Central Park.
    • Elf: The apartment where Buddy the Elf stays with his Dad while visiting NYC
    • New Year’s Eve: Pass down Fifth Avenue, where Zac Efron takes Michelle Pfeiffer in New Year’s Eve.
    • Scrooged: check out where Bill Murray found out his taxi driver was the Ghost of Christmas Past.

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.


    Nov 24 - Jan 2: Daily at 3 PM & Saturdays at 3 PM and 5:30 PM

    (Check for additional tour times while booking tickets).

    Duration: 2.5 - 3 hours.

    Getting There

    The tour starts at Starbucks on 60th and Broadway near Columbus Circle, and ends at Macy’s (34th and Herald Square).

    Subway: 1, A, B, C, and D to 59th St - Columbus Circle

    How to Use Your Tickets

    You will receive your Holiday Lights and Movie Sights tickets via email within 20 minutes of purchase. No need to print. Simply show the tickets along with a valid ID.

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