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Gala Dinner at Bellini's revolving restaurant - Mexico City

    Treat friends, family or a special person to a delightful meal of award-winning cuisine at the revolving Bellini Restaurant perched high on the 45th floor of the Mexican World Trade Center.

    Your Experience

    Treat friends, family or a special person to a delightful meal of award-winning cuisine at the revolving Bellini Restaurant perched high on the 45th floor of the Mexican World Trade Center.

    Admire the incredible, panoramic views over Mexico City from this lofty spot, whilst you dine on a choice of award-winning speciality Italian and International cuisine which is offered at the Bellini revolving restaurant.

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    • The Gala Dinner at Bellini's revolving restaurant Mexico City tour starts at 7:30 PM from Tuesday to Saturday.

    • The tour duration is 2 hours.

    General Information:

    • Roundtrip transportation included from centrally located Mexico City hotels.

    • Bilingual guide, Dinner with beverage included.

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