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Radio - Tickets

    Witness a story about the mid 20th century Space Race and America’s determined efforts to put the first man on the moon. Created by multiple award-winning playwright Al Smith and directed by JMK Award winner Josh Roche, you are in for an unforgettable night at the Arcola Theatre in West End!

    Why Watch Radio

    Written by Al Smith, a BBC Radio Award and Audio Drama Award winner, Radio delves into the dark side of the Space Race in the mid-1900s. Renowned for his ability to set up and detonate a joke, Al Smith’s sense of humor is widely regarded as one of the best in the business. A story about love, spaceships, and memory, it is directed by Josh Roche, who has extensive experience working with Shakespeare’s Globe, RSC and Fat Git Theatre. Get ready for a memorable night that explores the stars and

    beyond, both in reality and metaphorically!

    The Story

    Charlie Fairbanks is born in the middle of the United States in the dead center of the 20th century. The Space Race between America and Russia is at its peak, with Russia taking the early lead by sending out the first artificial satellite and the first man to space. America aims to be the first country to make the next breakthrough in the ongoing Space Race: to send humans to the Moon. Charlie Fairbanks is certain that he is going to be one of the first ones to land on the moon. As he turns his focus on the Moon, however, a much darker side of the United States’ history is illuminated. Join Charlie and America’s journey to edge out Russia in the race to the moon!

    Good For

    Fans of Dramas | Space Lovers | First Time West End goers

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    Show Details

    Show Timings

    Mon - Sat 8:00 PM
    Sat 3:30 PM

    1 Hour

    Josh Roche

    Additional Information

    There is no age restriction at the Arcola Theatre.

    Available Facilities
    In-house bar

    The Arts Theatre has a seating capacity of 350.

    Outside Food
    Strictly prohibited. If you'd like to grab a meal before or after the show, check out our guide to the 30 Best Restaurants in West End.

    You will receive an email with your voucher. You may display your voucher on your mobile phone. Please carry a valid photo ID for identification.

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