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Orlando Art & Drafts Tour

    Points forts

    • Start your tour marveling at scenic views from the lakeside and stroll through the vibrant park in Ivanhoe village
    • Get your hands on a delicious treat from a local bakery where everything is baked fresh daily
    • Visit a multi-designer metal workshop and catch some of the artists creating awe-inspiring products on site
    • Discover beautiful antiques, relics and vinyls at different stores in the locality, chat with the owners and learn about this one-of-a-kind art hub
    • Take short breaks at three different pubs throughout the walk where you can taste the city’s favourite craft beers
    • Learn all about this eclectic neighbourhood and what makes it like no other locality in town


    • Tour access
    • Samples food treats (select locations only)

    Non inclus

    • Gratuity
    • Hotel pick-up & drop-off

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    Had enough of theme parks in the city? Set out to explore an artsy neighbourhood in the heart of Orlando where you can sample treats from a local bakery and sip on unique craft beers. Strike up conversations with the locals of Ivanhoe Village as you go back in time at stores selling vinyls and antiques. With all things creative in every corner, experience art and passion in this quirky locality that’s like no other in the city.

    Your booking confirmation will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone at the venue.

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