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Coney Island Mermaid Parade

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    About the Event

    An original creation of Coney Island, the Mermaid Parade is an art parade combining the heat of summer and the exhibition of ancient mythology. With quirky rituals, incredible displays and a mythical spirit, the community of artists showcase their proud, frivolous and personal vision.

    Your Experience

    Dress-up and anchor down for the 35th Annual Mermaid Parade. Featuring motorized floats, antique cars, push-pull floats, and marchers, it’s time to take your place in this summer carnival.

    Parade Route

    • The Parade will start at West 21st Street and Surf Avenue

    • The Parade will roll east to West 10th Street

    • At West 10th Street the Parade will turn south towards the boardwalk

    • Cars and Motorized Floats continue down Surf Ave. passing W. 10th Street and exit the parade.

    • At the Boardwalk, the marchers and push-pull floats will turn west and head towards West 17th St.

    • At Steeplechase Plaza, the Parade will disband.

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    Your tickets will be emailed to you shortly. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets to the venue along with a valid photo ID.

    Il vous manque une information ?

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