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Underwater Museum of Art

    Your Experience

    Experience an amazing snorkelling activity in Cancún...MUSA - the Underwater Museum of Art!

    This exciting Aqua-twister ride is just 15 minutes away in the middle of Bahia de Mujeres. Here you can jump into the unmatched blue Caribbean waters and admire 'The Silent Evolution', the artwork by Jason de Caires where more than 400 life-size human figures are on show. You will be given snorkelling equipment to snorkel your way across the museum below whilst admiring all the submerged art.

    This unique museum aims to demonstrate the interaction between art and environmental science. Each of the sculptures is made from specialised materials used to promote coral life, with the total installations occupying an area of over 420sq metres of barren sea bed and weighing over 180 tons.

    The Cancun Marine Park is one of the most visited stretches of water in the world, with over 750,000 visitors each year.

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    • The Underwater Museum of Art tour starts at 11:30 AM on Wednesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays.

    • The tour duration is 2 hours.

    General Information:

    • The Underwater Museum of Art departs from the Aqua World Marina. Customers must make their own way to Aqua World.

    • Life jacket, bottled water, lockers, snorkel equipment and a guided tour are all included.

    • There will be a Dock Fee & Marine Reef Tax of approximately $8 to be paid locally.

    • Not permitted for pregnant women or children under 7 years of age.

    • Guests must arrive half an hour before their time of departure.

    • Customers are required to sign a liability waiver prior to participate in this activity.

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