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LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre Manchester

    Step inside LEGOLAND Discovery Centre and it's like you have just jumped into the biggest box of LEGO ever!

    Join the battle on Kingdom Quest - an interactive LEGO laser ride, feel a part of the story in the 4D cinema, learn top LEGO building secrets from the Master Model Builder, see iconic landmarks in MINILAND, make a celebration even more memorable in one of our special party rooms; and much more....... It's the ultimate place for all LEGO fans – young and old!

    A visit to LEGOLAND Discovery Centre is the perfect way for Dad to amuse the kids for a couple of hours whilst Mum shops, a place for the whole family to enjoy together or the ultimate birthday location!

    LEGOLAND Discovery Center is your passport to a LEGO world of colour, creativity and fun. With over 2 million LEGO bricks under one roof, what will you discover?

    New 4D LEGO® NEXO Knights™ Movie Experience at the LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre

    Guests can download themselves into an all-new 4D film experience starring the LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ - at LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre, Manchester, this May. In an immersive 4D animated adventure created especially for LEGOLAND Parks and LEGOLAND Discovery Centres around the world. It’s up to the LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS to defeat the evil Jestro, the Book of Monsters and all their Lava Monsters all set in a 4D world - think wind, water and smoke - bringing the battle to life all around the cinema. AND guests can go on a quest of their own to discover six shields hidden across the Resort to unlock exclusive ‘power ups’ for the LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ Merlok 2.0 mobile app.

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