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Muir Woods & Wine Country Coach Tour

muir woods & wine country coach tour-2
  • Navettes incluses

Points forts

  • Spend an hour walking among the shadows of the 250-foot Redwood groves in the Muir Woods National Park
  • Learn about the process of wine making as you sip on some delicious wine at 3 famous wineries in Sonoma
  • Browse and dine at wine tasting rooms, restaurants and boutique shops at the country plaza
  • Drive through Marin Headlands for stunning views of San Francisco
  • Get those cameras out at a photo stop overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge


  • Pick up and drop to your San Francisco hotel in a comfortable van
  • Accompanying tour guide
  • Small group size for a more personal experience

Non inclus

  • Muir Woods National Park entrance fees
  • Lunch and snacks
  • Incidentals

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A tour perfect for nature and wine lovers! Check into the Muir Woods National Monument and gaze at the awe-inspiring redwood trees, the tallest in the world. Take in the local flora like Giant ferns, moss-lined creek and the aroma of fresh bay leaf from the many Laurel trees. Head north to the Sonoma County to about the history of Sonoma wines. Taste the finest wines from three carefully selected Californian vineyards. Take a short drive to The Wine Country plaza where you’ll have time to grab a bite to eat and visit a few more tasting rooms located around the plaza. This perfect tour ends with a photo stop overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge with a spectacular view of the San Francisco Bay, the city skyline, the Bay Bridge and Alcatraz!

Your tickets will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display a digital copy of the same at departure.

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