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Los Angeles County Museum of Art

los angeles county museum of art-2

    Points forts

    • LACMA’s art and collection of exhibits is influenced and inspired by LA’s vast and diverse community culture

    • It houses classic European artwork, African textiles, Islamic art and many more

    • LACMA takes off from the past and lands into the future with state of modern art works and futuristic exhibits

    • With a variety of food and drink options, you can lose your way through time in this iconic LA location.


    • General admission

    Non inclus

    • Specially ticketed exhibitions

    • Food and beverages

    • Parking fee

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    From Mayan sculptures to totems from Papua New Guinea, this is the best place for art. This largest art museum in the western US, with a collection that includes over 120,000 objects dating from antiquity to the present, is every art lovers paradise.

    Confirmation email will be sent 20 minutes after the booking. Please show a digital copy of the same along with a valid ID card at the Will Call booth at the venue to gain entry to the museum.

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