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XXX The Return Of Xander Cage 2D

xxx the return of xander cage 2d-2


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    Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller


    This is the third film in the xXx franchise, where government agent Xander Cage, who was thought to be dead, is revealed as having been on a self-imposed exile. He is recruited by the CIA to recover a deadly weapon, codenamed "Pandora's Box". In the hands of villain Xiang, this weapon could potentially cause global catastrophic damage.

    Will Xander Cage be able to escape the conspiracy and corruption he finds himself caught in?

    Cast & Creatives

    Stars: Vin Diesel, Donnie Yen, Deepika Padukone

    Director: D.J. Caruso

    Writer Rich Wilkes (based on characters created by), F. Scott Frazier

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    Your tickets will be emailed to you shortly. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets to the venue along with a valid photo ID.

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