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Kayak Adventure

Want to experience Tenerife in a completely NEW way? Come and join us in this fantastic new adventure and experience absolute freedom in the sea!

Paddle with us on the blue Atlantic waves and enjoy the silence of nature.

We will pick you up from your accommodation and bring you directly to Playa Paraiso – our starting point for the spectacular kayak Adventure.

After a short introduction we will paddle out –along the picturesque coast line, past fish farms and hidden bays.

Our goal will be to reach the small and original fishing village of El Puertito. Here you have the possibility to enjoy a refreshing swim in the clear Atlantic waters and see the resident ocean turtles. With a bit of luck you can also have the chance to encounter dolphins in their natural environment before you return to Playa Paraiso.

A truly amazing day for those adventurers out there who want to experience a new side of Tenerife.

Please note: Occasionally actual days of operation are subject to change. If this is the case we will endeavour to book a day as close as possible to your original preferred day. Should this not be acceptable a full refund will be made.

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