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Thames Cruise and Royal Observatory Entry

    10-Second Takeaway

    • Hop-on or hop-off at any one of the four piers convenient to you to explore the sights of the Thames

    • Cruises depart every 30 minutes, giving you the freedom to explore all the sights you want at your pace before boarding the cruise again

    • All boats have cafes serving hot and cold drinks as well as snacks for you to purchase

    • Step on the historic Prime Meridian of the world and see the division of the earth’s eastern and western hemispheres

    • Get a picture of yourself standing on the Meridian Line in the Meridian Courtyard

    • Learn about the importance of GMT

    Thames Cruise

    One of the most relaxing ways to discover the city of London, this hop-on-hop-off cruise covers all of the most important and iconic sights in the city. The vessel is designed especially for the best possible sightseeing experience, and comes equipped with an onboard bar stocked with food and drinks. You can choose to board the cruise at any one of the four piers, You will also receive a guided commentary of the many sights along the river.

    Pier Locations

    • Westminster Pier- Close to Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament (with Big Ben), Horse Guards, Whitehall and the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms.

    • London Eye Pier- Located next to the London Eye, County Hall (with the London Aquarium) and close to the world-renowned South Bank arts complex (including the Royal Festival Hall).

    • Tower Pier- This pier makes the Tower of London and Tower Bridge easily accessible.

    • Greenwich Pier - Makes it easy to reach the World Heritage Centre of Greenwich, home of the famous tea clipper Cutty Sark, the Old Royal Naval College, the National Maritime Museum, the Queen’s House and the Old Royal Observatory.

    The Royal Observatory

    Step onto the historic line that changed the way the whole world looks at time! The Meridian Line at the Royal Observatory Greenwich is the reference line for Greenwich Meridian Time, the Prime Meridian. It also is considered the line that divides the eastern and western hemispheres of the earth.

    The Observatory also holds a lot of interesting details and activities that are sure to fascinate visitors of all ages. You can also attend the various exhibitions and events that celebrate the discoveries and advancements made in the field of science, including international photography exhibitions.

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    Your tickets will be emailed to you shortly. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets at the time of pick-up along with a valid photo ID.

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