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Seville Cathedral Self-Guided Virtual Experience: the Gothic Wonder

seville cathedral self-guided virtual experience: the gothic wonder-2

    Discover the Seville Cathedral from the comfort of your home with a fascinating self-guided virtual tour and find out everything about its captivating story.

    Your Experience

    • Experience the Seville Cathedral from the comfort of your home with an engaging self-guided virtual tour narrated in English, from your PC or smartphone browser.

    • Through the power of storytelling combined with street and satellite views, you will learn not only about historical facts but also discover unknown stories and tales of ancient and modern times that will amaze your family and friends.

    • Marvel at the bell tower called La Giralda, Christopher Columbus’s tomb, and at Goya’s painting “Saint Justa and Rufina” among others.

    • The tour’s content is the result of in-depth research, squeezed into brief intriguing stories that will make your virtual visit both engaging and informative.

    • The tour is only available online and you can access it repeatedly and anytime.

    About the Host

    Based on the award-winning storytelling methodology developed by the Clio Muse team, each one of the self-guided virtual experiences is complemented with the fascinating narratives curated by handpicked authors, tour guides, destination experts, and historians. The combination of real satellite and street view images and our exceptional audio content brings to life on your screen acclaimed sites and museums.

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    • No live guide or meeting point required.

    • You will receive an email with instructions on how to access your tour via a link. Check your spam folder as well.

    • Once the link is provided, you may choose to redeem the tour at any date or time of your choice.

    • No special equipment is needed (i.e. special glasses). However, earphones or headphones are highly recommended to enjoy the experience.

    • To fully enjoy the tour you need a steady internet connection. The tour is available only online and is accessible from any internet browser. The virtual tour doesn’t require a visit to the site/venue.

    You will receive a confirmation email with a link and details on how to virtually join your experience.

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