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Edinburgh Castle Fast Track Access Guided Tour

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    • Skip-The-Line Castle Entrance

    • Guided Tour

    Your Experience

    Visit the historic fortress which dominates the skyline of the city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Castle is steeped in history as it played a crucial role in the history of Scotland and Great Britain. The castle’s past is riddled with dramatic conquests, captures and tales of destruction!

    The castle stands on a dead volcano which was cut to the hard basalt core in the Ice Age, now known as Castle Rock. As it sits high above the busy streets of Edinburgh you get the most breathtaking views across South West Scotland.

    Your expert guide will lead you around the upper end of the Royal Mile and throughout the Castle, showing you all the things that other visitors may miss. After the tour through the Castle, guests are welcome to stay as long as they like, until closing time. No visit to Scotland is complete without visiting this number one visitor attraction in the country!

    Please be aware that Edinburgh Castle stays open until 5pm and your Castle Ticket is only valid on the day of purchase. You will have 1½ hours to explore the Castle after the tour, but for a longer visit you will have to purchase a new ticket on a different day.

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    You will receive your tickets via email instantly. You need to print the same. We know it sucks but we are trying to get this changed soon.

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