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Kayak Rental

    Points forts

    • Rent a kayak for a fun-filled day out at the sea

    • Enjoy this activity either as a solo traveler or a couple or in a group

    • With the provision of insurance, mooring and port services, enjoy a stress-free, fun, kayaking activity


    • Kayak Boat rental

    • Port services, security, mooring and insurance

    Non inclus

    • Food and Beverages

    • Hotel Pickup and drop off

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    If the outdoors and sports is your thing, then this is one activity that will truly delight the adventurer in you. Enjoy a nice, exhilarating day out in the sea by renting a kayak and indulging yourself with this thrilling adventure sport. Escape the hustle-bustle and noise of the main city and explore the La Barceloneta beach with its spectacular coast line and crystal clear blue water. Maneuver your kayak through the enchanting caves or the mesmerizing rock formations and enjoy a great day at sea. So rent a kayak now and embark on this fun-filled expedition while absorbing the sights and sounds of the beach.

    Your voucher will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID.

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