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Transport and Admission to Warner Park

transport and admission to warner park-2
  • Navettes incluses

Points forts

  • Spend a fun-filled day at the Warner Park with no worries and round trip bus transfers

  • This combination ticket also includes admission to the park as well as complimentary snacks

  • You can also choose the option of a 2-day ticket with round trip and snacks


  • Transportation

  • Entrance to Warner Park.

  • Snacks (A sandwich and a bottle of water)

Politique d'annulation

Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

Go back to childhood for a day with this visit to Warner Park, Madrid! Loose yourself in adrenaline rushes, as you try out attractions like Superman: The Attraction of Steel, The Correcaminos Bip Bip & The Revenge of the Enigma, which is a 100-meters high structure! There are five highly exciting, themed areas such as DC Super Heroes World and Warner Bros. Studios among the others. Also enjoy the snacks that are part of your ticket, to keep your energy going through the day!

Your tickets will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets to the venue along with a valid photo ID.

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