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Richard Bona & Mandekan Cubano: Heritage

richard bona & mandekan cubano: heritage-2

    Date: 5th August 2017

    Time: 21:00 - 22:30

    Venue: Great Hall

    Musician’s Bio: Richard Bona

    Born in a lineage of musicians, Bona started learning music from an early age. He even made his own instruments due to his inability of purchasing them. His passion towards jazz led to him becoming a prolific bassist. Bona holds a professorship of jazz music at the New York University and has won a Grammy Award in his career.

    The Concert

    The concert is a special performance featuring the Cuban band- Mandekan Cubano. Mandekan Cubano is known for melding together a variety of roots music from Africa, South America and of course, Cuba.Their recent collaboration with Richard Bona resulted in the production of Heritage, a critically acclaimed album. The concert will fuse together elements of jazz and pop with afro jazz and funk in a perfect medley.

    The Musicians

    • Richard Bona - Bass and Vocals

    • Dennis Hernandez - Trumpet

    • Rey Alejandre - Trombone

    • Osmany Paredes - Piano

    • Ludwig Afonso - Drums

    • Luis Quintero - Percussion

    • Roberto Quintero - Percussion

    Additional Info

    • Prices of drinks included.

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