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Activités en salle

Indoor Skydiving!

    Points forts

    • Experience the thrill of an indoor skydiving experience

    • Gear up with a flight suit, ear plugs, goggles and a helmet

    • Experience uninterrupted flight time that simulates the free-falling feeling of skydiving


    • Single flight

    • Safety Instructions

    • Services of a Guide

    Non inclus

    • Hotel pick up and drop

    • Tips

    • Souvenir Photos

    Politique d'annulation

    Ces billets ne peuvent être ni annulés ni reportés.

    Have you always wanted to skydive? Are you too afraid to take the plunge from a plane? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Get the thrill of a lifetime with this incredible indoor skydiving experience in Vegas without needing to jump out 15,000 ft.

    Experience the thrilling sensation of skydiving, without a parachute or airplane, as a 1,000 horsepower motor keeps you soaring through the air in America's original indoor skydiving facility. The propeller turns on and the air begins to flow. You’re floating, flying, free falling through the air with wind speeds up to 120 mph.

    You will get an email confirmation within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID.

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