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Wynwood Walls Graffiti Tour + Drink

    Lo más destacado

    • Listen to the story of how the neglected industrial zone of Wynwood came to be an Art District
    • Learn about how the walls and doors are curated
    • Take in the art and hear about who the artists are, what their place is in street art history, what techniques they use, and what messages and meanings may be behind their work
    • Interact with your knowledgeable guide to understand the history and significance of this cultural center of Miami


    • General admission ticket
    • Complimentary drink

    No incluye

    • Food and beverages

    Política de cancelación

    Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

    Set out to explore the epicenter of Wynwood Art District with a drink in hand. Created on walls of old warehouses, take a look at curated murals from artists around the world. Learn all about the history and techniques used by them and share your thoughts. A perfect outing to learn about Miami street art that also sets the mood for a drink - why not? ;)

    Your voucher will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone at the venue.

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